
const { OsiModelLayers } = require('./osi');
const mixins = require('#lib/layers/mixins');

 * Interface for classes that protocol layers.
 * @interface
class Layer {
   * @param {Buffer|Object} data - Input buffer or object with protocol fields.
   * @param {Object} opts - Options for the layer.
  constructor(data = {}, opts = {}) {
     * Underlying buffer synced with the properties.
     * @type {Buffer}

    //best to use existing mixins
    mixins.ctor(this, data, opts);
     * Number of bytes occupied by the layer.
     * @type {number}
    this.length = opts.allocated ?? 0;
     * @private
     * Should be the same as the class name.
     * @type {string}
     */ = 'Layer';
     * Respective protocol OSI layer.
     * @type {OsiModelLayers}
    this.osi = OsiModelLayers.Unknown;

     * @private
     * Previous layer.
     * @type {Layer}

     * @private
     * Next layer.
     * @type {Layer}

   * @private
  static toAlloc = () => 0;

   * @private
   * Sets default properties for the layer based on user input and existing layers.
   * @param {Object} obj - User-defined properties.
   * @param {Object} layers - All available protocol layers.
  defaults(obj, layers) {
    // Implementation

   * @private
   * Receives an object with input properties
   * @param {Object} obj - User-defined properties.
  merge(obj) {
    // Implementation

   * @private
   * Determines the next protocol based on the current layer and existing layers.
   * @param {Object} layers - All available protocol layers.
   * @returns {Layer} The next layer's protocol.
  nextProto(layers) {
    // Implementation
    return new Layer(this.buffer.subarray(this.length)); // Placeholder return

   * Returns an object with all protcol fields without owning the underlying buffer.
   * Useful to read all the data and use it without having to deal with binary representation.
   * @returns {Object} - All protocol fields
  toObject() {
    return {};

module.exports = { Layer };